14 minute read

Table Indexes

An index is a data structure used by a database management system to improve the speed of operations on a table. It’s a copy of a subset of the columns in the table and is organized in a way that allows for quick access to the data based on the values in the indexed columns. The goal of an index is to minimize the need for a sequential scan of the entire table and instead allow the DBMS to access specific rows more efficiently.

When a query is executed, the DBMS examines the available indexes and determines which ones to use to get the data it needs as efficiently as possible. However, creating too many indexes can consume a significant amount of storage and require additional maintenance, as each time the data in the table is modified, the corresponding indexes also have to be updated. This trade-off means that the DBMS must carefully consider which indexes to create and use in order to strike a balance between query performance and resource usage.


A B+Tree is a type of self-balancing tree data structure that is designed to provide efficient access, search, insertion, and deletion of data. It is optimized for disk-oriented database management systems (DBMSs) that handle large data blocks. The structure of a B+Tree is such that it allows for logarithmic O(log(n)) time complexity for these operations, making it ideal for use in databases.

B+Trees are binary search trees where a node can have more than two children, making them different from their original counterpart, the B-Tree, which stores keys and values in all nodes so that the value can be accessed without reaching the leaf node. In contrast, B+Trees store values only in leaf nodes. Most modern B+Tree implementations incorporate features from other B-Tree variants, such as sibling pointers used in the B-link-Tree.


A B+Tree is an M-way search tree, where M represents the maximum number of children that a node can have.

A B+Tree have the following properties:

  • It is a perfectly balanced tree, meaning all leaf nodes are at the same depth in the tree.
  • Every node other than the root is at least half full with the number of keys raning from M/2-1 to M-1
  • Each inner node with k keys has k+1 non-null children.

Every node in a B+Tree contains an array of key/value pairs. The keys in the node are derived from the table attribute(s) that the index is based on. The values in the nodes can either be record IDs or actual tuple data, depending on the implementation. For inner nodes, the values are pointers to other nodes, while leaf nodes can store either record IDs or tuple data. If tuple data is stored in leaf nodes, secondary indexes must store the record IDs as their values to avoid duplication.

It is common for the key/value arrays at each node to be sorted by the keys, though this is not a requirement of the B+Tree. The keys on the inner nodes serve as guide posts for tree traversal, but do not necessarily represent the keys found in the leaf nodes. However, it is conventional for inner nodes to possess only those keys found in the leaf nodes.

Visualization: David Galles - University of San Fransisco


When inserting a new entry into a B+Tree, there are a few steps that must be followed:

  1. Finding the correct leaf node $L$: Before inserting the new key/value pair, it is necessary to find the correct leaf node where the new entry should be inserted. This is done by starting from the root node and using the keys in the inner nodes as guide posts to traverse down the tree until we reach the correct node.

  2. Inserting the new data entry into $L$: Once the correct leaf node has been found, the new key/value pair is inserted into the leaf node. If the leaf node has enough space to accommodate the new entry, the operation is completed.

  3. Handling overflow in the leaf node $L$: If the leaf node does not have enough space, it must be split into two separate nodes to maintain the balance of the tree. The entries in the original leaf node $L$ are redistributed evenly into two separate nodes, with one node becoming the original leaf node $L$ and the other node being a new leaf node $L_2$. The middle key is copied up and inserted into the parent node as a new index entry pointing to the new leaf node $L_2$.

  4. Splitting an inner node: If an inner node overflows, the same procedure is followed as for leaf nodes. The entries are redistributed evenly into two separate nodes and the middle key is pushed up to the parent node. This process continues until the root node is split, in which case a new root node must be created.


Deletion in a B+Tree requires the following steps:

  1. Finding the correct leaf node $L$: The first step in deleting an entry from a B+Tree is to locate the leaf node that contains the entry. This is done by traversing the inner nodes using the keys as guide posts.

  2. Removing the entry: Once the correct leaf node $L$ has been found, the next step is to remove the entry from the leaf node. If the leaf node is at least half full, the operation is completed. However, if the leaf node becomes less than half full as a result of the deletion, then we must re-balance the tree.

  3. Redistributing: In an attempt to balance the tree, we can try to redistribute the entries by borrowing from a sibling (an adjacent node with the same parent as the current node $L$). If redistribution fails, then we must merge the current node $L$ and its sibling.

  4. Merging: If the redistribution fails, then the current node $L$ and its sibling are merged into a single node. The new node will contain the sum of the entries of the two nodes, sorted in ascending order. The entry pointing to the original node ($L$) or its sibling must then be deleted from the parent of $L$.

It is important to note that re-balancing the tree is necessary to maintain the order-preserving property of the B+Tree and to keep the tree height as low as possible, which results in fast search times.

Selection Conditions

Selection conditions in B+Trees refer to the conditions used to perform searches on the B+Tree index to find desired tuples (data records) in a database management system (DBMS). Because B+Trees are ordered, lookups are fast and only require partial information from the search key, as opposed to a hash index which requires all attributes of the search key.

In B+Trees, the DBMS can use the index for a query if the query provides any of the attributes of the search key. For example, if a B+Tree index is created on attributes (a, b, c), the DBMS can quickly find tuples that match conditions such as (a=1 AND b=2 AND c=3), (a=1 AND b=2), or (b=2).

To perform a prefix search on a B+Tree, the DBMS examines the first attribute of the key, follows the path down the tree, and performs a sequential scan across the leaves to find all the keys that match the desired condition. This is illustrated in the accompanying diagram, where the DBMS would follow the path down the tree and perform a sequential scan across the leaf nodes to find all the desired keys.


Non-Unique Indexes

Like in hash tables, B+Trees can deal with non-unique indexes by duplicating keys or storing value lists. In the duplicate keys approach, the same leaf node layout is used, but duplicate keys are stored multiple times. In the value lists approach, each key is stored only once and maintains a linked list of unique values.

Duplicate keys

There are two approaches to duplicate keys in a B+Tree.

The first approach is to append record IDs as part of the key to ensure that all keys are unique. Since each tuple’s record ID is unique, this approach ensures that all the keys are identifiable.

append_record_id append_record_id2

The second approach is to allow leaf nodes to spill into overflow nodes that contain duplicate keys. If we insert a new key in the leaf node that does not have enough space, we split the node as discussed earlier. Although no redundant information is stored, this approach is more complex to maintain and modify.


Clustered Indexes

The table is stored in the sort order specified by the primary key as either heap- or index-organized storage. The DBMS maintains the sorted order whenever any update on the table occurs.

  • Heap-organized storage: Tuples are sorted in the heaps pages using the order specified by a clustering index. Therefore, DS can ump directly to the pages if clustered index attributes are used to access tuples.

clustered index

  • Index-organized storage: A leaf node of B+Tree contains a tuple.

Since some DBMSs always use a clustered index, the DBMS will automatically make a hidden rowid primary key if a table does not contain a primary key.

Index Scan Page Sorting

Since directly retrieving tuples from an unclustered index is inefficient due to redundant reads, the DBMS can first figure out all the tuples it needs and then sort them based on their page id.

index scan page sorting

B+Tree Design Choices

Node Size

The node size depends on the storage medium. The slower the storage device, the larger the optimal node size for a B+Tree. For example, nodes stored on hard drives are usually on the order of megabytes in size to reduce the number of seeks needed to find data and amortize the expensive disk read over a large chunk of data, while in-memory databases may use page sizes as small as 512 bytes to fit the entire page into the CPU cache as well as to decrease data fragmentation. This choice can also vary depending on the type of workload, as point queries would prefer as small a page as possible to reduce the amount of unnecessary extra info loaded, while a large sequential scan might prefer large pages to reduce the number of fetches it needs to do.

Merge Threshold

While B+Trees have a rule about merging underflowed nodes after a delete, sometimes it may be beneficial to temporarily violate the rule and delay a merge operation to reduce the amount of reorganization. For instance, eager merging could lead to thrashing, where many successive delete/insert operations lead to constant splits and merges. Instead, we can use batched merging where multiple merge operations happen at once periodically, reducing the amount of time that expensive write latches have to be taken on the tree.

Variable Length Keys

Currently, we have only discussed B+Trees with fixed-length keys. However, we may also want to support variable-length keys, such as the case where a small subset of large keys leads to a lot of wasted space. There are several approaches to this:

  1. Pointers

    Instead of storing the keys directly, we could store a pointer to the key. However, due to the inefficiency of having to chase a pointer for each key, the only place that uses this method in production is embedded devices, where its tiny registers and cache may benefit from such space savings.

  2. Variable Length Nodes

    We could still store the keys like usual and allow for variable-length nodes. However, this is infeasible and largely not used due to the significant memory management overhead of dealing with variable-length nodes.

  3. Padding

    Instead of varying the key’s size, we could set each key’s size to the maximum key size and pad out all the shorter keys. In most cases, this is a massive waste of memory, so you don’t see this used by anyone.

  4. Key Map/Indirection

    Nearly everyone uses the method of replacing the keys with an index to the key-value pair in a separate dictionary. This method offers significant space savings and potentially shortcut point queries (since the key-value pair the index points to is the same as the one pointed to by leaf nodes). Due to the small size of the dictionary index value, there is enough space to place a prefix of each key alongside the index, potentially allowing some index searching and leaf scanning to not even have to chase the pointer (e.g., if the prefix is at all different from the search key).

key map indirection

Once we reach a node, we still need to search within the node (either to find the next node from an inner node or to find our key value in a leaf node). While this is relatively simple, there are still some tradeoffs to consider:

  1. Linear

    The simplest solution is to scan every key in the node until we find our key. On the one hand, we don’t have to worry about sorting the keys, making insertions and deletes much quicker. On the other hand, this is relatively inefficient and has a complexity of O(n) per search. This method can be vectorized using SIMD (or equivalent) instructions.

  2. Binary

    A more efficient search solution would be to keep each node sorted and use binary search to find the key. This method is as simple as jumping to the middle of a node and pivoting left or right depending on the comparison between the keys. Searches are much more efficient this way, as this method only has the complexity of O(log(n)) per search. However, insertions become more expensive as we must maintain the sort of each node.

  3. Interpolation

    Finally, we can utilize interpolation to find the key in some circumstances. This method takes advantage of any metadata stored about the node (such as max element, min element, average, Etc.) and uses it to generate an approximate location of the desired key. For example, if we are looking for 8 in a node and we know that 10 is the max key and 10 - (n + 1) is the smallest key (where n is the number of keys in each node, then we know to start searching two slots down from the max key, as the key one slot away from the max key must be 9 in this case. Despite being the fastest method we have given, this method is only seen in academic databases due to its limited applicability to keys with specific properties (like integers) and complexity.


Pointer Swizzling

Because each node of a B+Tree is stored on a page from the buffer pool, nodes use page ids to reference other nodes in the index. Therefore the DBMS must get the memory location during traversal, requiring latching and lookups from the page table. To avoid this step entirely, we could store the actual pointers instead of the page IDs (known as “swizzling”) if a page is pinned in the buffer pool. Note that we must track which pointers are swizzled, and “deswizzle” them back to page ids when the page they point to is unpinned and victimized.

Bulk Insert

When a B+Tree is initially built, inserting each key one by one would lead to constant split operations. The fastest way to create a new B+Tree for an existing table is first to sort the keys, construct a sorted linked list of leaf nodes, and then build the index from the bottom up using the first key from each leaf node. Note that depending on our context, we may pack the leaves as tightly as possible to save space or leave space in each leaf node to allow for more inserts before a split is necessary.

bulk insert

Prefix Compression

Most of the time, when we have keys in the same node, there may be some partial overlap of some prefix of each key (as similar keys will end up right next to each other in a sorted B+Tree). So instead of storing this prefix as part of each key multiple times, we can store the prefix once at the beginning of the node and then only include the unique sections of each key in each slot.

prefix compression


In the case of an index that allows non-unique keys, it may end up with leaf nodes storing multiple copies of the same key with different values attached. One optimization of this could be only storing the key once and then maintaining a list of associated values (similar to what we discussed for hash tables).


Suffix Truncation

For the most part, the key entries in inner nodes are just used as signposts and don’t need the actual key value (as even if a key exists in the index, we still have to search to the bottom to ensure that it hasn’t been deleted). We can take advantage of this by only storing the minimum prefix needed to route probes correctly into the index. So, for example, instead of storing “abcdefghijk” and “lmnopqrstuv” in inner nodes, we can shorten them to “abc” and “lmn” to reduce space.


[1] CMU Intro to Database Systems / Fall 2022, 08 - B+Tree Indexes

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